Work starts on repair and redecoration of the historic spire of the grade II listed, Bridge Chambers, Barnstaple constructed c1873.
— 24 May 2016

Repair work underway
During the regular high level cherry picker inspection of the roof conditions to Bridge Chambers, Jonathan Rhind Architects noticed a number of large splits in the timber structure of the Spire.
As a precaution scaffolding was erected in 2015 to provide access for inspection and monitoring of the spire structure and to also provide some additional stability/support to the spire until repairs could be carried out.
Following scaffold walk inspection by Jonathan Rhind Architects and PCA Consulting Structural Engineers it was determined that the spire requires structural timber repairs to stabilize the structure and prolong the life of the spire for another 50-100 years.
Now that the identified required repairs have been priced, the weather is favourable and a principal contractor has been appointed (Hannam & Sons), work has commenced on site.
Work is due to be completed on the repairs and complete redecoration of the spire before the end of the summer 2016.
May 2016