SPAB's History At Your Feet campaign
— 30 Nov 2016

13th century shippon with sandstone and granite slate and cobbles. An upland long house.

Alternating coursed slate on edge floor, south porch, St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, Northlew
One of our directors, Martin Sturley-Hayes recently attended a fantastic seminar 'Care and Repair of Old Floors' run by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) in conjunction with their campaign - History at Your Feet. As they point out, we don't often look down when entering a historic building, stepping on to a church path or down a street in an ancient town. This campaign encourages us to #lookdown, share images of historic floors on social media and to think about the history and the care of the ancient fabric at our feet.
Read more at the SPAB website
You can also download the SPAB's Caring For Old Floors pamphlet which is attached to this article as a pdf.