Re-roofing project at St. Peter's Church, Ilfracombe finishes
— 08 Nov 2017
Re-tiled roof
New photovoltaic panels installed.

New sloping lead gutter and abutment flashings, and rainwater chute and hopper.

Re-tiled roof and new abutment flashing.

The massive, plain clay tiled roofs from the 1903 built, grade ll listed church, designed by George Fellowes - Prynne, a fashionable London architect and one of the leading proponents of Arts and Crafts design at the time, have been completely re-roofed.
The work took over a year, with a build cost of £360,000, re-using about 70% of the original tiles and new Dreadnought replacements, including the decorative ridges which closely match the original. Photovoltaic cells were incorporated into the south facing pitch, but hidden from view by the south aisle and lead gutters, and rainwater goods enlarged and routed so they block up less easily and are more accessible for maintenance, without changing the external appearance.
The width of the church was so large that a covered-in, roofed scaffold would be prohibitively expensive, so the re-tiling was carried out without roofed protections, which meant more time was needed covering and protecting open areas with tarpaulins over a longer contract period. However, it did mean that more physical repair work was able to be carried out to the building, within the Heritage Lottery Fund grant aided budget, where over £100,000 was raised within the community.
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