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Grants available from Somerset Churches Trust for church roof alarms

— 21 Mar 2018

Somerset Churches Trust

We thought it would be useful to share that Somerset Churches Trust (SCT) now has grant money available for the installation of roof alarms to help against metal theft.

With an award of £30,000 from the Allchurches Trust, SCT can grant up to £1,000 per installation, including systems that are already in the process of being put in.

The grants are available on condition that churches are already members or become members of Somerset Churches Trust for a period of at least 3 years, and that the alarm system and installers are approved by the church insurers and is maintained for at least 5 years. The scheme is available in the historic county of Somerset (ie including what is now North Somerset and BANES).

To find out more and apply for a grant, visit the Somerset Churches Trust website.

In most instances approval by the DAC and Archdeacon may be required to ensure the installation does not adversely impact on the character or fabric of the church. 

Get in touch with us if you need help with an alarm grant application / approval or are thinking of a re-roofing or other project on your church. 

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