Senior architect attends Bath and Wells Diocesan Committee

— 08 Feb 2017

DJI 0013 Large

Following his recent accreditation by the Bath and Wells inspecting architects, Senior Architect Julian Clayton was invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Bath and Wells Diocesan Advisory Committee.

As one of five architects at Jonathan Rhind Architects (JRA) accredited to work on church repairs for both the Exeter and Bath and Wells Dioceses, Julian, who is based in our Taunton office, spent an informative day with the committee which meets monthly.

These monthly meetings are held to review faculty applications for repairs and reordering of churches throughout the respective diocese and can provide insight into new methods of church repair.

Julian said: “The day spent with the Diocese committee was extremely informative and helped me to further develop my understanding of the church repair process and introduced me to a rather varied list of different projects. Now I am looking forward to taking this insight and applying it to some of the church repair projects I am currently working on across the South West.”

Jonathan Rhind Architects has extensive experience in working on the repairs of various different churches across the South West. For many church repair projects JRA has also provided assistance in gaining grants and Heritage Lottery Funding for repair and reordering projects. A number of JRA architects are also accredited by the AABC, allowing them to work on Heritage Lottery Funded projects.

Find out more about our team’s work on churches here.

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