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An architecture taster in Devon and Somerset

— 04 Jul 2024


Monty assisting with drone survey in the courtyard


Some of Monty's drawing work


Gabriele working on her model of the winged barn


The Winged barn which has achieved class q permission for conversion


The barn conversion plans include a glass wall to maximise the views


Gabriele's model of the barn designs

Architects work experience Somerset

In the last few weeks, we have been delighted to welcome two work experience students to our Devon and Somerset studios. The students who were both in their first year of GCSE studies at local schools, joined us for a week to gain first-hand experience of working in a busy architects’ studio.

In the Devon studio, Monty H had the opportunity to join Director Jonny Poland and Senior Architectural Technologist, Darryn Marrs at a design workshop event at a glorious National Trust property in South Devon. Monty joined a client meeting, helped conduct a walkaround survey and discovered some of the fascinating history of the house.

Back in the Barnstaple studio he learnt the basics of Vectorworks and used it to draw up plans for a church Quinquennial Inspection. He then designed a hypothetical barn conversion before creating a fantastic 3D model using modelling software.

A couple of weeks later Gabriele P joined us in our Somerset studio. Gabriele joined Architect Helen Bennett-Day and Architectural Assistant Joe Shadrick at an end of contract / rectification period inspection at a conversion project to see how the home, previously a mechanics garage, had fared after a year in use. As well as discussing the changes with Helen, Gabriele was able to get the client’s perspective on the architectural process.  

Gabriele also made a physical 3D model of a winged barn, which is one of the barns being converted as part of a local farm regeneration project. She was diligent in her endeavours and produced a fantastic model of the barn, which will be a great addition to the material needed for the planning process, as well as helping the client to visualise the finished project.

The team were all impressed with how engaged both Monty and Gabriele were during their time with us. It was great to see such enthusiasm and interest from them, and we hope that they are inspired to carry on the great work they are doing.

We can’t wait to hear how their journey into architecture continues, and wish them luck with their studies.

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