Berry House A stunning, grade II listed house with 16th century origins much altered and added to in the 18th century, only 100m or so from the ocean on the hills above Hartland Abbey. The farm house had fallen into disrepair with holes in the roofs and water running through the centre of the building. A substantial repair programme started in January 2006 and finished in October, 2007 which included;Complete re-roofing in new slate bedded in lime mortar because of its extreme exposure to severe weather. New windows with shutters. New rainwater goods and gutters. Re-rendering of the front elevation in lime mortar. Internal repairs from previous water damage and neglect. New electrical services and redecoration to make the most of the stunning, and largely intact 18th Century interiors. Re-open the maids bedrooms on the second floor to provide 11 bedrooms in total Some particularly interesting historic items have been found including a very early sliding sash window dated between 1670 and 1710. Download project card (742 KB pdf)