Croyde Surf Lifesaving Club After a prolonged and involved process Jonathan Rhind Architects has designed and gained planning permission to build a beach-side Clubhouse for the Croyde Surf Lifesaving Club and their partner the RNLI for one of the top surfing beaches in the country.The building will be set at the north end of the beach and is designed to take the worst that the Atlantic Ocean can throw at it.The designs have been refined over a number of years and countless meetings with council planning officers, the RNLI, Parkdean (the beach owners), and the National Trust who own the land, plus many local interested groups.The RNLI plan to use part of the facility which will offer lifeguards an excellent vantage point from which to monitor the beach and ocean, with emergency first aid facilities, changing areas and a large beach safety training and meeting room for the club and other community groups. Jonathan Rhind Architects were able to design controlled emergency vehicle access through the building to a short ramp directly onto the beach as well a significant areas of storage to support the club's and the RNLI's activities.The semi-subterranean design, built into the coastal bank, was informed by coordinated consultations with the the Environment Agency, Natural England, South West Water, Devon Wildlife Trust, South West Ambulance Service, the Highways Agency, local Businesses and the wider community. Download project card (237 KB pdf)