High Street Dartmouth A devastating fire in May 2010 in the historic Dartmouth town centre affected eight shops and 15 flats known as the Dartmouth Butterwalk. The practice was appointed as Heritage Consultants to advise on the historic building strategy and negotiate with relevant authorities and provide specification of conservation elements on 5 Higher Street, the most historically significant of the affected buildings and Grade II* listed.Until the fire, No.5 was a particularly well preserved example of a 17th century Merchant’s house with superior carved decoration on the front and original detail inside. The entire roof and rear half of the building through five floors were lost. The ornate plaster ceiling at first floor was a particularly fine example of the Dart Valley workshop but following the fire, it was largely destroyed, but elements were able to be salvaged, repaired and copied.Following extensive rebuilding, the shop with holiday accommodation above were able to reopen. Download project card (1 MB pdf)